Hold Me Tight
2024, aluminium, fabric, pipe insulation, polyester fiber, 250×132×90 cm
Zane Zeivate (1993) belongs to the young and emerging generation of Latvian artists. Her art serves as a platform for addressing essential issues related to women’s rights and social equality, women’s emotions, experiences, and aspirations. It is a personal and, at the same time, feminist conversation. She writes poetry and embroiders on spatial objects that she creates, sews, screws and welds with her hands making and constructing visual metaphors that offers new associations within existing framework of spatial and political structures that are present in the city.
Zane Zeivate graduated from Studio for Immediate Spaces, Sandberg Institute, Gerrit Rietveld Academy (MA, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands) and Riga Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning (BA, 2017, Riga, Latvia). Since 2021, Zane Zeivate as artist has participated in several group exhibitions and projects in Lithuania, Germany, the Netherlands, Georgia and China.