Memory Foam
Size: 1200x600x50mm
Medium: Cardboard, papier-mâché, acrylic paint
Celebrating the objects, experiences and fascinations which have helped situate my position within society - recreating items from the digital realm in physical reality, replaying experiences from my youth and elevating familiar household items, these timestamps bring a slice of humour into what can be considered a catalogue of existence.
With cardboard acting as the common medium within this catalogue, my aim is to inspect what makes an object representative of a community – generational pull, geographical significance, socioeconomic status.
A worthy object for me, from the digital realm or our own, is one which represents something greater than the sum of its parts – it’s legacy living on through regionalised storytelling, playground obsessions or working-class symbolism.
The act of bringing these objects to the fore, saving them from the chaos in which they exist and shining a light on their position, is an acknowledgement of their role of representation, both on a personal and communal level.
Born in Preston, 1992. Graduated from Manchester School of Art, 2014, Current studio holder at Paradise Works, Salford.