Untitled (Scotland)
Medium: Oil Pastel on Paper
Size: 15cm x 21cm
Drawings made during Rawlinsons’ Travel Scholarship to the North West of Scotland in June of 2024, the works were often completed during or very soon after walking through the landscape. His drawings are used in building and developing ideas immediately, before getting back to the studio. As Guston writes ‘It is the bareness of drawing that I like. The act of drawing is what locates, suggests, discovers…’. Primarily a painter, these drawings act as an instant document of ideas, recording form, colour, touch and experience.
Rawlinson’s practice is underpinned by research into Lichens. He takes interest in their often-unnoticed and underappreciated significance within our ecology, highlighting the extent of our vital relationship with everything that makes up life on earth. He uses this as a basis for philosophical enquiry, leaning upon existentialism and phenomenology to explore what it means to be ‘alive’ while pursuing an investigation into our place within the world around us, focusing on both the individual and collective experience. Alluding to natural environments in his work, Rawlinson uses abstraction as a vehicle to examine and explore the ineffable within nature, through a particular emphasis on mark making and how the materiality of the pastel, and its application can communicate these ideas.
b. 1999, Morecambe, UK.
Lives and works in Manchester.
Adam Rawlinson graduated with a first class BA Hons degree from the University of Salford in 2023. He has exhibited work in London, Glasgow, Manchester and Salford. He has had a painting acquired by University of Salford Art Collection, where his work joins their ambitious and reputable permanent collection. He has been the Awardee of the Aidan Threlfall Travel Scholarship Award, in association with the Goldsmiths' Company Charity (2023/24), awardee of University of Salford Art Collection and School of Arts Graduate Scholarship Programme, in association with Castlefield Gallery (2023/24), and recently been awarded Haworth Trust Scholarship at Paradise Works (2024/25). He has work currently publicly displayed in his hometown of Morecambe and has exhibited in the 20:20 print exchange with Hot Bed Press, which exhibits nationally and internationally